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Health educator

Health educators teach individuals and communities how to live healthier lifestyles. They instruct them on nutrition and the avoidance of unhealthy activities like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. A health educator's goal is to provide people with tools that allow them to avoid developing life-threatening health issues.

IT: Assistente sanitariodelete

FR: Éducateur de santédelete

Homeopathic medicinal product

A homoeopathic medicinal product is defined in European legislation as: "Any medicinal product prepared from substances called homeopathic stocks in accordance with a homeopathic manufacturing procedure described by the European Pharmacopoeia or, in the absence thereof, by the pharmacopoeias currently used officially in the Member States. A homeopathic medicinal product may contain a number of principles".

IT: Medicinale omeopaticodelete

FR: Médicament homéopathiquedelete


A system of treating diseases in which sick people are given very small amounts of natural substances that, in healthy people, would produce the same effects as the diseases produce.

IT: Omeopatiadelete

FR: Homéopathiedelete


Admission to hospital for treatment

IT: Ospedalizzazionedelete

FR: Hospitalisationdelete

HPV test

A laboratory test in which cells are tested for DNA or RNA from certain types of human Papillomavirus

IT: HPV testdelete

FR: Test de dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérusdelete


A surgical operation to remove all or part of the uterus

IT: Isterectomiadelete

FR: Hystérectomiedelete