Italian citizens

How to register

To access to services, you have to apply to the National Health Service (SSN). To do that, two steps are to be followed: 1- Register at the Tax Registry office (Anagrafe tributaria) of the Italian Revenue Agency and ask for a fiscal code; 2- Register at the Health Registry office (Anagrafe sanitaria) in the Local Health Authority (ASL) of your municipality of residence. The office functionary will ask you to choose a general practitioner, i.e., a trusted doctor for you and your family. The Ministry of Economy will send a Health Insurance Card with your fiscal code number to your home address. The Health Insurance Card is also called Regional Card of Services (CRS) or TEAMS (European Health Insurance Card). When you get your card, you are properly registered on the SSN. The European Health Insurance Card is free of charge.

How to register your child

To register a newborn on the SSN you have to: 1- Declare their birth to the Civil Registry and Marital Status office (Anagrafe e Stato civile) of your municipality of residence; 2- Register them at the Tax Registry office (Anagrafe tributaria) of the Italian Revenue Agency (the Town Hall will do the procedure). That done, the Ministry of Economy will send the European Health Insurance Card with your child’s fiscal code to your home address. This first card will be valid for one year. Parents will then be able to register their newborn on the Health Registry (Anagrafe sanitaria) of the Local Health Authority (ASL) of their municipality of residence and choose a paediatrician. They will then receive the second European Health Insurance Card, which will be valid for six years.



The Local Health Authorities (ASL) are divided in Districts and each District has its own Office of Health Service. You should go to the nearest one.

Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Centrale (Udine, Gemona, Palmanova…)
Azienda Sanitaria Giuliano Isontina (Trieste, Gorizia, Monfalcone…)
Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Occidentale (Pordenone, Spilimbergo…)


Citizens from the EU, SEE (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) and Switzerland

How to register

Foreign citizens coming from the EU, SEE and Switzerland who plan on staying in Italy for more than three months have to register on the National Health Service. The same applies to their relatives, even when they are not EU citizens. To register, they have to: 1- Register at the Civil Registry and Marital Status office (Anagrafe e Stato civile) of the town in which they take up residence, or obtain a document certifying their stay in Italy for business purposes; 2- Register at the Tax Registry office (Anagrafe tributaria) of the Italian Revenue Agency and ask for a fiscal code; 3- Register at the Health Registry office (Anagrafe sanitaria) of the Local Health Authority (ASL) of their municipality of residence. Here they have to bring: A. Their fiscal code; B. The residence certificate by the Town Hall, or a document certifying their stay in Italy for business purposes; C. They also have to declare not to be registered on the Health System of another Foreign Country. After having registered, they will receive their European Health Insurance Card and they will be able to choose a general practitioner. For more information, visit here: Health Unit Western Friuli (AS FO) – Foreign citizens.



The Local Health Authorities (ASL) are divided in Districts and each District has its own Office of Health Service. You should go to the nearest one.

Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Centrale (Udine, Gemona, Palmanova…)
Azienda Sanitaria Giuliano Isontina (Trieste, Gorizia, Monfalcone…)
Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Occidentale (Pordenone, Spilimbergo…)


Foreign citizens from non-affiliated countries

How to register

Foreign citizens in Italy with a residency permit have to register on the National Health Service (SSN). To do that, they have to: 1- Have a valid residency permit or get it renewed; 2- Register at the Registry and Marital status office (Anagrafe e Stato civile) of their municipality of residence; 3- Register at the Tax Registry office (Anagrafe tributaria) of the Italian Revenue Agency and ask for a fiscal code; 4- Register at the Health Register office (Anagrafe sanitaria) of the Local Health Authority (ASL) of their municipality of residence. They have to bring the following documents: A. Their fiscal code; B. Their valid residency permit or the request of renewal of it, attested by the Postal Office or by the Central Police Station; C. The receipt of the request of the first residency permit, released by the Postal Office D. They also have to declare where their residence is. With the European Health Insurance Card, they will be able to choose their general practitioner. Healthcare will also cover the relatives in care who regularly stay in Italy. Registration on the National Health Service allows you to obtain 4 credits for the integration contract. For more information on credits, visit here: Integration contract for foreigners who ask for residency permit | Ministry of the Interior.



The Local Health Authorities (ASL) are divided in Districts and each District has its own Office of Health Service. You should go to the nearest one.

Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Centrale (Udine, Gemona, Palmanova…)
Azienda Sanitaria Giuliano Isontina (Trieste, Gorizia, Monfalcone…)
Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Occidentale (Pordenone, Spilimbergo…)



Cross-border citizens

For cross-border citizens a National Contact Point (PCN) is active.

How to register

  • Registry and Marital status office (Anagrafe e stato civile): all municipalities of residence have a Registry and Marital status office. For more information, you can search online using this type of link:

www . comune . MUNICIPALITY’S NAME . it For instance, Udine’s municipality has this site: Or: www . comune . MUNICIPALITY’S NAME . PROVINCE ACRONYMS . it For instance, Montefalcone, in the province of Gorizia, has this site:

  • Tax Registry (Anagrafe tributaria): to find it, you can search the nearest Italian Revenue Agency office
  • Health Registry (Anagrafe sanitaria): health agencies are divided into districts, each of which has its own Health Registry office
  • – Health Unit Central Friuli (Udine, Gemona, Palmanova…) – Health Unit Giuliano Isontina (Trieste, Gorizia, Monfalcone…) – Health Unit Western Friuli (Pordenone, Spilimbergo…)


Many of the services offered in Friuli Venezia Giulia are now available online. Check out this page and indicate your municipality of residence.   M. C. . N.B. Always ask your doctor for clarification and information. HFVG declines all responsibility for the incorrect use of the information contained in this page.