Emergency Department

The E.R is a well-organised service, which must ensure the citizens can easily access and can get high quality of clinical and chirurgical treatment at any time of the day.

It’s a department exclusively dedicated to the urgent patients.

At the arrival, the nursing staff will give you a priority code, based on the problems you have declared, on the vital functions and on the symptoms observed (Triage system).

After the acceptance at the desk, the waiting periods may vary according to the arrival of serious injuries or because of the presence of many people on the waiting list.

The colour codes applied are:

  • Red: in case of serious problems, when the patient’s life is in danger; the access is immediate;
  • Yellow: in case of potentially serious problems, which may get worse in the future;
  • Green: in case of not serious problems, the treatment may be made later in the day;
  • White: unserious problems. Patients are analysed after the urgent ones.

The duration of your stay in the emergency room may depend on several factors:

  • number of diagnostic’s exams required by the emergency room’s doctor;
  • time needed to diagnose and to fill the final report;
  • waiting until a doctor is available for the final valuation.

A ticket’s payment is provided for:

  • white code’s performances, which are not serious;
  • patients who have not medical coverage.

If a family is poor, children who are younger than 6 and people who are older than 65 don’t pay the ticket.

Language barriers

If you don’t speak Italian and you have problems in understanding doctors and nurses, you can ask for a linguistic mediator.

“Always ask your doctor for clarification and information. HFVG declines all responsibility for the incorrect use of the information contained in this page”.