Paediatricians are the doctors who treat children from childhood to adolescence. They see children when they are ill and check their physical and mental well-being. In order to do this, paediatricians have to stay up-to-date and to work in collaboration with the parents.


When your child is sick, you can call your paediatrician to have his/her advice and evaluate with him/her whether to bring your child for a visit.

It is important to know that in some periods of life, for example between the ages of 2 and 4-5, children often get sick, but many times it is due to viruses. In that case, they only need control, a lot of rest and a few medications to break the fever or pain.

Other times, rarely, a child may have a chronic disease, even severe. The paediatrician can indicate the best therapy, and help you with relationships with specialists in the field or rehabilitative therapies.



At defined ages, paediatricians suggest “check-ups” so they can evaluate your child’s growth and well-being.
You can ask for information about health education, screenings, vaccines and nutrition.



Every paediatrician has an outpatient clinic for paediatric examinations. Some medical examinations are free, others for a fee. Most visits are done at the paediatrician’s clinic, but the paediatrician also makes free visits to the patient’s home when necessary. It is the paediatrician who decides whether a home visit is necessary.



The paediatrician works roughly from Monday to Friday in the morning and in the afternoon. The timetable can change according to the doctor. In some outpatient clinics, the paediatrician visits by appointment, while in others the access is free, that it is to say that you can go whenever you want and wait in the waiting room. At the first visit, the paediatrician may give you a sheet of paper, also called the Health “Service Charter”, which contains all the information. The paediatrician looks after many children, so it is important to comply with the timetable and read the Health Service Charter and the notices in the waiting room.

At night, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, if you urgently need to speak to a doctor, you can call the Out-of-hours GP service.



Children from birth must have their own paediatrician, in order to have access to all the services and visits of the National Health Service, and must continue to have a paediatrician until the age of 6. This means that you must seek out a paediatrician and not a family doctor for your child. However, between the ages of 6 and 14, you can choose between a paediatrician and a General Practitioner. However, in the case of handicaps or chronic diseases, you can ask the Local Health Authority (ASL) to keep a paediatrician until your child is 16.



The procedure is the same as that of the General Practitioner: go to the Office of Health Service (Anagrafe Sanitaria) of your Local Health Authority.

Bring with you:

  • your child’s Tessera Sanitaria (Health Insurance Card, EHIC);
  • your child’s identity document (identity card or driving licence).

The official of the Office of Health Service (Anagrafe Sanitaria) will show you a list of paediatricians, so you can choose yours.
Usually, a paediatrician cannot have more than 800 registered patients.




Yes, you can. Contact the Office of Health Service and ask for a new paediatrician. You do not need to give explanations.


Always ask your doctor for clarification and information. HFVG declines all responsibility for incorrect use of the information on this page.