Travel with animals

To travel with your pet, you need to organize yourself well to comply with health regulations and make any vaccinations up to date. It is, therefore, necessary to know the health obligations required in the Italian region you want to stay.

Before leaving:

  • Go to the vet for a general check-up of the animal to make sure it is healthy for the trip;
  • Bring with you the documents necessary for the trip: health card, passport, health documents / certificates required by the country you will visit;
  • Prepare the “suitcase” of your pet, bringing the objects important for its well-being: food, drugs, games, leash, muzzle, toilet bags / litter;
  • Make sure the animal had the rabies vaccination.

Their passport

The pet passport in Italy is given by the veterinary services of the local health company on request by the owner. To travel with dogs, cats and ferrets  within the EU countries, the European Regulation requires identification of the animal with:

  • a tattoo;
  • an electronic identification system (microchip or transponder);
  • a specific individual passport of the animal.


The number of the microchip, or of the tattoo, must be written on the animal’s passport.

The passport must be written in English and in one of the languages of the issuing Member State and must contain:

  • details of the animals’ owner;
  • the list of all vaccinations administered to the animal;
  • all medical history;
  • any treatment against echinococcus multilocularis (this is required only for certain destinations).

Traveling by train: Trenitalia

Small dogs, cats and other small pets (kept in the appropriate pet carrier) are allowed free in the first and second-class of all  trains. On the train, you can bring a dog of any size, with muzzle and leash.

Animals in carriages CANNOT occupy the seats of travelers and if they disturb other passengers, both the animal and its owner must occupy another seat or get off the train. Guide dogs for the blind can travel on all trains for free without any obligation. When purchasing the train ticket for your dog, you need to show the registration certificate (for foreign travelers, however, show the dog’s passport). If you get on board without this document, you will be fined and you will get  off the train.

Traveling by plane

Almost all airlines allow the transport of animals. However, there are no common rules for all companies. In fact, each company establishes different rules based on the size and type of carrier and the number of animals transported. For this reason, it is necessary to contact the companies singularly. Medium or large dogs travel in the hold inside reinforced cages. The pet carrier must allow the animal to stay in a comfortable position,  it must be well ventilated, waterproof resistant and at the bottom, there may be a sheet and / or other absorbent material. The animal cannot have a leash or muzzle. Guide dogs for blind passengers can travel with the owner with a muzzle and leash.

Traveling by ship or ferry

Numerous companies allow the access of animals on board, but it is advisable to inquire in advance about the rules of the company chosen for the trip.

Traveling by car

When traveling by car, it is advisable to avoid the hottest hours of the day and limit the use of air conditioning. In the car, you need to bring a bowl for water and a small towel to refresh the animal in case of need. During long journeys, it is useful to take regular breaks to get the dog out of the car.

Guide dog

  • A guide dog represents the “eyes” for a blind person and therefore it must not be separated from the disabled person, nor should it be disturbed or attacked;
  • It can enter any place open to the public;
  • It should not wear a muzzle unless required in a particular situation;
  • The owner does not have to have the scoop and the bag for collecting feces;
  • The owner does not have to pay tickets for the dog to travel on public transport;
  • The dog can travel standing in the back seat together with the blind person, because it is the pet trained to help his owner.


“This text has been simplified by page. Always ask your doctor for clarification and information. HFVG declines all responsibility for the incorrect use of the information contained in this page”.