If you are a citizen living in Friuli-Venezia Giulia you can check all your medical exams, tests and vaccinations on the SESAMO platform.

It is not strictly necessary to use SESAMO, since you can book your exams, tests and vaccinations without the platform too.

To do an exam, a test or a check-up, you can go to a doctor operating within the National Health Service (NHS) or to a private doctor:


  • To go to a NHS doctor you must pay a ticket, which means only a part of the price of the service. The ticket is the same for everyone.
  • To go to a private doctor, you must pay for the total amount of the service


Medical exams done by a NHS doctor

How to book a medical exam

It’s your general practitioner (GP) that has to ask a Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) for your medical exams.

To do so, GPs have to fill in a form called referral. They have to write:


  • The patient’s name, surname, age and social security number
  • The therapy
  • The service required and the reason
  • The priority of the service
  • If the patient is ticket-free, which means that you do not have to pay for it (exemption due to illness, revenue, unemployment)
  • Date, stamp and the doctor’s signature

Once you have a referral, you can set the exam date:


  • By going to the Centro Unico di Prenotazione– CUP(Unified Reservation Centre). Every Local Health Authority has its own CUP
  • By going to a licensed pharmacy (ask the pharmacist)
  • Online on the SESAMO platform
  • By calling the regional single number Call Centre Health and Society 0434 223522

To check if this information is up to date, you can go to this page by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.

ATTENTION: referrals have an expiration date, after which they will be no longer valid. Before setting the exam date, you should check the duration, validity and code of the referral. The same referral cannot be used for both exempt and non-exempt services.

How to pay the ticket

Usually, when you go to the hospital to have a specialist medical examination, you should pay the ticket at the reception desk. Otherwise, you should pay after the exam. Some Local Health Authorities now allow you to pay the ticket online.


Medical exams done by a private doctor

There are two types of private medical examination:


  1. Individual freelancing

Freelance services on payment can be required for specialist examinations, instrumental and laboratory tests. They are done by the doctor you choose.


  1. Freelance teamwork

Services can be provided by a doctor belonging to a team and not by a doctor of your choice, especially for instrumental and laboratory tests. In this case you will find the word “equipe” instead of “doctor”.

Firstly, to access a freelance service you have to choose the doctor with whom to do the exam. Even if you choose to go to a private doctor, you can always address the Unified Reservation Centre, book online with SESAMO or call the regional single number Call Centre Health and Society 0434 223522. To check this information, you can go to this page by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.